D1WAV, also known as D1, has released his latest single “On The Move,” a powerful anthem celebrating personal growth and...
Emerging artiste Olawale Isreal-Lagbokun, known professionally as Bims, is making waves with his latest release in an exciting development for...
Sandave has teamed up with the legendary rapper Ice Prince and soulful Ugandan artiste Joshua Baraka to drop the remix...
Boypee is setting the Nigerian music scene ablaze with his groundbreaking fusion of afro soul-beat and Afro-pop. Born Sopuru Precious,...
a year brimming with achievements for Afrobeats, the spotlight now shines brightly on Nigerian star Rema, whose hit track “Calm...
Monseeka, an emerging sensation in the contemporary music scene, has released her newest single, “Over the Radar.” The song is...
Odunsi is still the name to drop, especially in the alte circuit. Oh yes, that off-kilter bougie sub-genre of contemporary...
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