Olawale Kayode-Adedeji, known professionally as “Hundred,” is emerging as a promising voice in Nigeria’s vibrant hip-hop landscape. The 26-year-old son...
Prince Oluwaseyi Paul Osaro Olagunju, known as Gunju, has released a soul-stirring album, Through Thick and Thin. This project, said...
Charles Okocha, widely known as Mr Phenomenal, has unleashed his latest musical sensation “Steeze,” a high-energy track that promises to...
A transformative musical experience unfolded on Sunday, November 17, as Johnnie Walker and Johnny’s Room Live converged to create an...
Chike has unveiled “Mma (Beauty),” a soul-stirring single that captures the essence of love through poetic Igbo lyrics and smooth...
Nigerian artistes Peruzzi and Olamide have joined forces on “Jah Love,” a soul-stirring track that blends Afropop sensibilities with reggae...
Ajebo Hustlers, known for their unique storytelling and urban sound, have teamed up with Victony to release their new track,...
Reekado Banks has unveiled his latest single “Solo,” a powerful anthem celebrating personal freedom and self-discovery. The track, released today,...
Runda has unveiled a powerful new track titled “Feel Good,” a poignant anthem that delves into the depths of personal...
Humblesmith has once again stirred the music scene with his latest single, “Sochi.” The track, according to a statement, is...
Rising stars T-Dollar and Berri Tega have unleashed their latest track, “Dorime,” in a groundbreaking collaboration that’s set to ignite...
Evelle has unveiled her latest dual-pack release, “Fire” and “Come Back (Stronger),” in a groundbreaking move that’s set to shake...