Engr. Charles Osezua is set to present his groundbreaking book, The Rise of Gas: From Gaslink to the Decade of...
Adoka Son: Childhood Memoirs of an African by Ad’Obe Obe, is a captivating memoir that transports readers to a bygone...
Idris Elba, renowned actor and director, is gearing up to showcase his directorial skills once again in the upcoming short...
The countdown has begun for one of Africa’s most anticipated film festivals, iREPRESENT International Documentary Film Festival 2024, set to...
The 2024 edition of Lagos Gallery Weekend kicks off with a vibrant display of artistic talent, showcasing the city’s rich...
The Female Artists Association of Nigeria (FEAAN) is set to hold its annual art exhibition, themed “Inspire Inclusion,” on March...
The Crown Troupe of Africa will take the stage at the Crown Arts Foundation to present Iyá Ojà, a captivating...
His thinking is relevant today in northern Nigeria, Afghanistan etc. where the fear of indoctrination contributes to the reasons for keeping children away from ‘western education’ without the requisite investment in a wholistic ‘Islamic education’
In honour of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, a powerful collaboration presents “In Bloom,” a collection of short...
Goethe-Institut Nigeria is hosting a captivating panel discussion & listening session on “Language and Storytelling in Radio Dramas.” Set to...
Azuh Arinze, publisher and editor-in-chief of YES INTERNATIONAL! Magazine, has launched a literary tribute to Nigeria’s journalistic icons with his...
The anticipation surrounding Nigeria’s participation in this year’s Venice Biennale has reached a crescendo as further details about the Nigerian...