IFC Films has nabbed North American rights to South African Oliver Hermanus’ “Moffie,” a queer war film that is set...
In any year, Steve McQueen’s “Small Axe” would be a historic achievement. But in 2020, amid a worldwide reckoning on...
Disney Animation Studios is teaming up with a pan-African comics publisher to create Iwaju, a long-form animated series set in...
Kemi Adetiba has announced that her much-anticipated film, “King Of Boys 2” will be a Netflix original. The award-winning filmmaker...
Relentless director and CLAM magazine founder Andy Amadi Okoroafor‘s new film “20 Pound Dream” is now showing on Showmax. In...
Nicolas Cage will host “History of Swear Words,” a proudly profane series about expletives for Netflix in January. The six-episode...
Netflix announced that it’s cancelling its first African Original series, “Queen Sono“, despite previously renewing it for Season 2. Written...
Jada Pinkett Smith will star in “Redd Zone,” an upcoming drama that will be released by Netflix and produced by...
It’s already showing in cinemas but here’s a peak at the trailer to convince you to make that move to...
With the official trailer and behind the scenes footages unveiled, next up is an introduction to some of the amazing...
The official trailer for “DOD” is finally here! Get ready for an adventure like never before. “Day of Destiny (DOD)”...
Thanksgiving is traditionally one of the most popular times to go to the movies. Crowd pleasers like “Frozen,” “Coco” and...