If she wasn’t already, Mila Kunis is now the “Luckiest Girl Alive,” signing on to star in the film adaptation...
“The Croods: A New Age,” which debuted theatrically in November, was the No. 1 movie in North America. The Universal...
“Reminiscence,” a new action thriller with Hugh Jackman, will open in theaters and on HBO Max on September 3, 2021....
Charlize Theron and Kerry Washington have joined the cast of Paul Feig’s upcoming Netflix movie, “The School for Good and...
A new movie, “Under The Carpet” is set to premiere on the 7th of March and will be available in...
Red band trailer teases the HBO Max film’s R-rated violence Warner Bros. Mortal Kombat movie reboot is almost here —...
Regé-Jean Page has nabbed a leading role in the film adaptation of “Dungeons & Dragons,” Variety has confirmed. The fantasy...
‘Paddington 3’ Officially in the WorksCourtesy of StudioCanal“Paddington 3” — a new entry in the beloved movie series — is...
Keke Palmer is joining Jordan Peele’s ever-growing troupe of actors, starring in the Oscar-winning filmmaker’s latest secret project at Universal...
Trino Motion Pictures has premiered the official trailer for the forthcoming film “The Razz Guy” which sheds light on the...
Oscar-, Golden Globe- and four-time Emmy-winner Regina King is set to star in and produce “Shirley,” the feature film biopic...
Shaffy Bello is set to star as the lead actor in a forthcoming historical epic drama titled “Olokun“, which tells...