“Juju Stories” is a three-part anthology film exploring juju (magical) stories rooted in Nigerian folklore and urban legend, written and...
‘Keanu Reeves is back in the back-to-back sequels game with John Wick 4 and 5 aiming to film consecutively next...
Sony has bought the upcoming Whitney Houston biopic, titled “I Wanna Dance With Somebody.” The studio plans to release the...
‘ Even amid a pandemic that has battered major parts of its business, including theme parks and studio entertainment, Disney...
Mo Abudu promised us loads of interesting announcements in July and she’s definitely keeping that promise, as EbonyLife Films partners...
Local content is proving more of a draw than Hollywood films as China’s cinemas get back on their feet. Chinese...
Kenim Obaigbena has released the trailer for her upcoming movie production dubbed “A Second Husband“, starring Osas Ighodaro, Udoka Oyeka...
Amazon Studios is in final negotiations to buy worldwide rights to “Without Remorse” from Paramount Pictures, Variety has learned. The...
Living in Bondage Breakout Star Covers the New Issue of Tush Magazine Jidekene Achufusi is Nollywood’s latest eye candy with...
Disney has delayed the theatrical release of “Mulan” for a third time, all but officially putting an end to Hollywood’s...
Paramount Pictures has decided to move its Michael B. Jordan spy thriller “Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse” back nearly five months...
Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing” will be free to stream online until June 29. The 1989 film is also...