Renowned authors Zadie Smith, Paul Murray and Naomi Klein are on the shortlist for the prestigious Writers’ Prize, previously known...
Our news section offers a comprehensive handle on the creative ecosystem by providing a space for sharing information and a...
The second iteration of Sharjah’s Booksellers Conference, from May 1 and 2, an interactive programme for 400 attendees is to...
The London book fair drew heavy hitters like London Mayor, Sadiq Khan who gave the opening keynote and was not shy in promoting the imminent publication of his memoirs, Breathe: Tackling the Climate Emergency
The shortlist for the International Booker Prize 2023 was announced today, April 18, by the Chair of judges, Leïla Slimani,...
Avid Reader has been shortlisted for the bookstore of the year award at the London Book Fair (LBF) International Excellence...
Be part of the next chapter of LBF Join us in 2020 for the 49th edition of The London Book...