Forty aspiring filmmakers celebrated their graduation from the KAP Film and Television Academy’s Advanced Filmmaking Masterclass on Monday, marking the...
Crown Troupe of Africa and KAP Hub are yet again set to redefine the Lagos theatre scene with their upcoming...
Filmmaker Kunle Afolayan is set to produce a stage adaptation of Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s The Swamp Dwellers. The production,...
In the year that the 44th Alaafin of Oyo, Lamidi Adeyemi III, climbed to the rafters, two feature films co-produced...
The Nigeria Oscars Selection Committee (NOSC) has reacted to the criticism that came with its decision not to submit Kunle...
Perhaps not the title I’d go for because “Village People” as used in Nigerian colloquialism is simple, easy mischief with...
Netflix has unveiled the official trailer for Kunle Afolayan’s epic film Anikulapo. Set for release on 30 September 2022 it...
Nigerian filmmaker Kunle Afolayan’s movie Citation, has won the Best International Film award at the 2022 National Film Festival(NFF) in...
Stories have been an integral part of human culture since the dawn of time. So, when veteran filmmaker Tunde Kelani...
The newly established Kunle Afolayan Production (KAP) Film and Television Academy is set to graduate its first set of trainees...
(As the screen adaptation of Sefi Atta’s novel Swallow makes its Netflix debut on October 1, we bring you Toni...
Netflix has released the trailer for Swallow the film adaptation of Sefi Atta’s book directed by Kunle Afolayan, Set in...