Lorraine O’Grady, renowned for her groundbreaking explorations of identity, race and cultural boundaries, passed away on December 13 in New...
Jasleen Kaur, the youngest nominee on this year’s Turner Prize shortlist, has clinched the prestigious award with her extraordinary exhibition...
Christina Kimeze is set to captivate London’s art scene with her first institutional solo exhibition, opening at the South London...
The artiste formerly known as Machine Gun Kelly, real name Colson Baker, has officially changed his stage name to MGK,...
Cassava Republic Press has revealed details about Olumide Popoola’s upcoming novel, “Like Water Like Sea,” slated for release in May...
Foyles Book of the Year has announced the shortlist for its annual award, which covers three categories and represents Foyles...
Teju Cole’s latest novel, Tremor, delves into the complex interplay between art, history and identity, leaving readers to ponder the...
Independent publishers Footnote Press have unveiled an exciting opportunity for writers hailing from refugee and migrant backgrounds in the United...
Zadie Smith, the acclaimed author known for her distinctive storytelling, discusses her latest work, The Fraud, in a recent NPR...
Two novels by Black British authors have been longlisted for the 2023 Diverse Books Award. Yinka, Where Is Your Huzband?...
On Wednesday November 13, 2019, award winning BBC journalist, Nancy Kacungira writing on twitter via her handle @kacungira tweeted: So...