Netflix’s adaptation of Gabriel García Márquez’s masterpiece One Hundred Years of Solitude into a television series has earned widespread acclaim...
Netflix has achieved the impossible: adapting Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude into a spellbinding 16-episode series, per...
The Swedish Academy has awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature to South Korean author Han Kang, recognising her “intense...
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the iconic Colombian author known for his masterpiece One Hundred Years of Solitude, left behind a final...
As bibliophiles eagerly set their reading resolutions for 2024, the literary landscape promises a rich tapestry of novels, debuts, crime...
The Awka Literary Society (ALS) has commended the governor of Anambra State, Prof. Charles Soludo for renaming the Anambra International...
The sophomore novel of Abubakar Adam Ibrahim, the author of the 2016 Nigeria Prize for Literature-winning Season of Crimson Blossoms,...
A previously unpublished novel by the late Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez is set to hit bookstore shelves next year....
Gabriel García Márquez, author of One Hundred Years of Solitude has topped the list of those most translated into 10...
Saturday, October 22 belongs to the song of solitude. The date belongs to Ifeanyi Igwebike Mbanefo, a son of Obosi...
In commemoration of Valentine’s Day we bring you a blast from the past. While the jury is still out on...
1. Favourite book ever ‘The Kingdom of This World’ by Alejo Carpentier. 2. Why? The perfect encapsulation of the Yoruba world in the...