Award-winning actor Timini Egbuson and acclaimed filmmaker Kayode Kasum have joined forces to create “Reel Love,” a romantic drama set...
Tòkunbò is written as a thriller and action movie. Ramsey Nouah’s ambitions as director are not very grand. It is a trite storyline of the regular Omo Eko, whose creed is to simply make it to see another day, but then struck by misfortune, in Tòkunbò’s case, his son’s heart disease, as he faces a dilemma from which finding a way out becomes a double-edged sword that leads to crime.
Battle on Buka Street film directed by Funke Akindele and Tobi Makinde is set to debut on Prime Video on...
Battle on Buka Street, the highly anticipated comedy-drama movie by Funke Akindele, on Sunday night premiered to a select audience...
With the official trailer and behind the scenes footages unveiled, next up is an introduction to some of the amazing...
The teaser for Funke Akindele-Bello‘s new flick, “Omo Ghetto (The Saga)” is out and it’s a display of comedic genius....