The Man Died, an adaptation of Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s prison memoirs, is making significant waves on the international film...
After garnering international acclaim in London, the highly anticipated film adaptation of Wole Soyinka’s prison memoir The Man Died is...
The Man Died, the film adaptation of Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s prison memoir, is set to captivate London audiences with...
The feature film adaptation of Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s prison memoir, The Man Died, is making waves on the international...
Aduke Gomez and Toki Mabogunje are set to reconvene at Freedom Park this November in a highly anticipated event at...
Femi Odugbemi has been selected to serve on the prestigious International Engagement Committee of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts...
The Man Died is important as a historical testament of a nation told from the point of view of a writer, activist and politically engaged intellectual who has interrogated the failings of the Nigerian state for over a half century.
Guests at the premiere who came from across the world included kings and diplomats, writers and publishers, actors and filmmakers, friends and fans of Wole Soyinka as well as his sister and children.
The Africa Centre, in collaboration with the Wole Soyinka International Cultural Exchange (WSICE), Nigeria, is thrilled to announce a nine-day...
Lagos is set to host the exclusive screening of the highly anticipated film “The Man Died” on Friday, July 12....
The IREPRESENT Documentary Film Festival mourns the loss of Tam Fiofori, a towering figure in Nigerian photography, filmmaking, and literature,...
The countdown has begun for one of Africa’s most anticipated film festivals, iREPRESENT International Documentary Film Festival 2024, set to...