The Met Fifth Avenue is gearing up to host a groundbreaking exhibition that promises to rewrite the narrative of art...
Founder of Etan Comics and Ethiopian writer, Beserat Debebe, has been been nominated for this year’s NOMMO Awards for African...
The award-winning Ethiopian movie, ቁራኛዬ (Enchained), is set to be streamed online starting on April 18th, 2020. Thanks to the...
Opening with acclaimed historical drama ‘Enchained’ from Ethiopia, this year’s New African Film Festival in Silver Spring, Maryland features 39...
Girma Yifrashewa, a classical pianist, performed at skylight hotel his newest album on January 30. Girma asserted that art has...
Set during Italy’s 1935 invasion of Ethiopia, this absorbing novel spotlights the African women who went to war. The eponymous...