Jean Adamson, the visionary creator of the beloved Topsy and Tim series that revolutionised children’s literature, has died at age...
In a triumph for Nigerian children’s literature, author Familoni Oluranti Olubunmi has been crowned the winner of the prestigious 2024...
In a fierce competition celebrating Nigerian children’s literature, authors Ndidi Chiazor-Enenmo, Familoni Oluranti Olubunmi and Uchechukwu Peter Umezurike have emerged...
The Committee for Relevant Art (CORA)-Nigeria Prize for Literature (NPL) Book Party, a prestigious celebration of literary excellence, is set...
The Advisory Boards for The Nigeria Prize for Literature, The Nigeria Prize for Science and The Nigeria Prize for Literary...
The shortlist for the prestigious £5,000 Waterstones Children’s Book Prize 2024 has been unveiled, showcasing a lineup of promising authors...
A new online platform,, has burst onto the scene, illuminating the world of African picture books, puzzles, audiobooks, quizzes,...