Universal Pictures has revealed that Christopher Nolan’s next directorial venture will be an ambitious adaptation of Homer’s The Odyssey, featuring...
Anne Hathaway is set to headline the Amazon MGM Studios feature film “Verity,” based on Colleen Hoover’s suspenseful novel that...
Anne Hathaway is sharing her tribute to Alan Arkin, whom she starred with in Get Smart. The 40-year-old actress shared...
Anne Hathaway spent the weekend at Sundance Film Festival promoting her new film Eileen, but then, she posted a fresh-faced...
When the Cannes Film Festival audience stood to applaud James Gray’s richly observed autobiographical drama Armageddon Time, about the director’s...
HBO Max has unveiled the first trailer for Doug Liman’s quarantine-shot movie “Locked Down,” starring Anne Hathaway and Chiwetel Ejiofor....