Sugarbana and Odumodu Blvck have dropped their latest single “Surrender,” a scorching Afro-fusion track that promises to set the music...
Cowater has unleashed his highly anticipated EP, “101” in a groundbreaking debut that’s set to redefine the Afro-Fusion landscape. Born...
Bims has unveiled his highly anticipated EP, Unorthodox, a captivating exploration of love, life, and personal experiences. Hailing from a...
Dumomi The Jig delivers a heartfelt new single, “Santa Monica” in a poignant ode to long-distance love. The track by...
Danny Brace has joined forces with renowned DJ Consequence and sensational artiste Runtown to release their latest single, “On My...
Geoxpress, a rising star in the Afro fusion sub-genre of Afrobeats, proudly introduces his highly anticipated debut EP, Xpressions. Building...
With Love, Damini, it is incontrovertible that Burna remains one of the best even while not at his best.
Abiodun delivers a fresh afro-fusion banger with his new single “My Money“. The song has a smooth vibe with catchy...
i. Brymo is in a class of his own. Popular since he lent his voice to Ice Prince’s biggest song,...