
Wellcome Collection launches awards to boost diverse voices in non-fiction

Spread the Word and Wellcome Collection have announced the launch of the Wellcome Collection Non-Fiction Awards 2025. This initiative, building on the success of a 2022 pilot programme, aims to uncover and nurture talented writers from underrepresented groups who have innovative ideas for non-fiction books exploring the themes of health and the human experience.

The program, set to commence on October 1, 2024, will open its doors to UK-based, unpublished, and unagented writers aged 18 and above who identify as disabled and/or from global majority backgrounds. With a November 11 deadline, the selection process will whittle down applicants to a cohort of up to six writers, who will embark on a nine-month journey to develop their concepts into full-fledged book proposals.

At the helm of the judging panel are two distinguished figures in the literary world: Angela Saini, an award-winning science journalist and author, and Daisy Lafarge, an acclaimed novelist and poet. Their expertise will guide the selection of participants who will receive a comprehensive support package, including a £2,000 bursary, mentorship from established authors, and a series of five masterclasses on non-fiction writing.

The programme goes beyond individual support, offering a public series of masterclasses and panel events to benefit a wider audience of aspiring non-fiction writers. This inclusive approach underscores the initiative’s commitment to broadening access to literary opportunities.

Participants will gain unprecedented access to Wellcome Collection’s vast resources, including one-on-one sessions with their publishing team, research specialists, and Stories editorial staff. The Wellcome Collection Library, a treasure trove of health and medicine-related materials, will be at the writers’ disposal, providing invaluable research opportunities.

Angela Saini expressed her enthusiasm for the project, stating, “It’s vitally important to get voices from the margins into the mainstream, and I’m beyond excited to read the work of this year’s cohort.”

Ruth Harrison, Director of Spread the Word, highlighted the expanded scope of the 2025 program, emphasizing improved accessibility and integration across Wellcome Collection’s teams. The addition of a public program further demonstrates their commitment to supporting aspiring non-fiction writers from underrepresented communities.

Fran Barrie, Publisher at Wellcome Collection, reinforced the need for diverse perspectives in literature, saying, “We need books that represent the wide diversity of human experiences and perspectives, so we’re working to make the program as accessible as possible.”

Aspiring writers can access the application pack, including eligibility criteria and FAQs, from September 30, 2024. A free online information session, complete with BSL interpretation, is scheduled for October 8, offering guidance to potential applicants.

With its focus on diversity, accessibility and innovation, the Wellcome Collection Non-Fiction Awards 2025 marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing effort to democratize the world of publishing and bring fresh perspectives to the forefront of literary discourse.

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